Sue Grantis, RN, BSc.N

People often ask.. what can have the greatest impact in improving mental outlook and overall health? I believe this APP that helps the user replace lies that have formed inside of us over time, with the truth, does just that.  Understanding the connections between distorted thinking, stress and health can be life changing! I whole heartedly recommend this APP to encourage personal hope, healing, and growth.

Sue Grantis,

getIntact offers a trustworthy coach and texting partner available to you 24/7! This app’s simulated coach, built with innovative artificial intelligence technology, will literally speak and engage with you via texting.Loaded with the intelligence of doctors, life coaches, counselors, and other wellness and wholeness specialists, this app is designed to help you do, that which you need, to become the ultimate version of yourself. Download the free IOS App or free Android app today.